Precarious Work, Precariat and Excluded Personnel

Mehmet Saim Aşçı


With globalization and the end of cold war, the whole world adopted capitalist economy model with some differences. Within this period, capital owners started to slowly withdraw the rights of working class. Layoffs, unregistered employment are becoming widespread under the name of flexible labor market. Now, workers can easily be laid off; we almost never encounter strikes. Workers cannot defend their social rights as much as they could in the past. Precariat notion is used to describe these new workers class created by these indemnity losses. We call the process of suppressing a person to the point where the person becomes content with violations of his/her rights, trivializing of his/her qualifications and the person internalizes exploitation for fear of being pushed outside the system in brutal competition conditions of labor market precarization. There is a group of personnel, who are prevented from benefiting collective labor agreement because they are outside its extent even though they are union members and they are of course deprived of union indemnity; almost all of this group consists of white-collar employees. These personnel are pushed to the unprotected area of liberty of contract, they were characterized as "elites of the business" presented to them with dreams of being middle-class at first; however, as their numbers increased proportionally and with loss of rights and increasing precarity have been pushed to being "outcasts of the business". Today, middle-class myth is being demolished; white collars realized that their position is being workers within production relations; they are faced with the reality of precarity, uncertainty, and losing everything they dreamt of achieving in the future. Right at this point, they need a union embrace which understands what they feel and which is suitable to structural truths.


Precariat, Precarization, White-Collar Employees, Excluded Personnel, Precarity, Middle-Class, Elites of the Business, Outcasts of the Business

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